Good Neighbours? Planning for Real in Birkenhead

Whilst researching participatory planning in Birkenhead, the People’s Plans team have uncovered a documentary from the 1980s by Planning for Real pioneer, Tony Gibson. Tony Gibson A key figure in the history of participatory planning, Tony Gibson is best known for developing Planning for Real, a participatory approach that centres resident’s local knowledge of theirContinue reading “Good Neighbours? Planning for Real in Birkenhead”

Women in the Centre: Spaces of Hope Walk

The Women in the Centre Walk, produced by Iris Bertz and Emily Baldwin in collaboration with the AHRC-funded Spaces of Hope research team, took place on August 5th 2023. It was part of a series of participatory events that engaged people from Birmingham in exploring the histories of women’s community-led planning in Birmingham from theContinue reading “Women in the Centre: Spaces of Hope Walk”

Case study: 58 Charles Street, Cardiff

By Jack Dangerfield Description The 1960s and 1970s saw an upturn in the number of housing clearances in Cardiff’s inner-city area. This had the inevitable effect of increasing homelessness in the city. Faced with the threat of eviction, many communities came together to organise campaigns and develop community-led services and projects to support people affectedContinue reading “Case study: 58 Charles Street, Cardiff”

The People’s Plan for the Westway

Long-time resident and activist, Adam Ritchie, reflects on one of the most significant episodes of community-led planning in London, focussed on the Westway road in North Kensington. The Times Newspaper concluded that every mile of Westway cost the moving or eviction of 5000 families. North Kensington, over which it passed, had 64% of its houses overcrowdedContinue reading “The People’s Plan for the Westway”

The journey

by Dr Nick Wates The Community Planning Website, or as it is more helpfully called, was born in 1998 at the offices of the Department for International Development (DFID) in Central London. A steering group meeting of a project which produced The Community Planning Handbook; how people can shape their cities, towns & villagesContinue reading The journey