Our project engaged with people with community-led planning experience from the 1960s right up to the present. We have been particularly keen to document lesser-known examples of community-led planning and to hear from those whose activity has taken place outside of planning’s formal participatory channels.
We have sought to develop understandings of what community-led planning has meant to different people, at different points over the last 60 years and what we should understand by the term today.
These pages host:
- A searchable digital archive of the CLP episodes our project identified to ensure that the history of community planning is not lost. This can be viewed on a map, timeline or as a list.
- Case studies, following eight initiatives in more detail, to better understand the broad range of alternative planning practices undertaken by community planners
- An exhibition we have prepared to share the results of our work with as broad an audience as possible
- A digital archive of Community Action magazine (1972-1991)
- A list of links to web resources on CLP